The Sustainable Tourism Certification (CST) is a program developed in our country for business related to tourism to comply with the Costa Rican tourism sustainability model. For many years Arenal Volcano Inn has been committed to the application of sustainability in all its activities.


  • Improving the use of our natural resources.
  • Seeking alternative environmental solutions to interact and positively impact the environment.
  • Inviting and allowing our guests to contribute actively to the sustainability policies of Arenal Volcano Inn.
  • Helping our community and its needs. Hiring local workers to support prosperity in our community.
Panel Solar Escuelita Abono Organico

Our hotel has a policy to minimize the washing of sheets and towels. We suggest our guests turn off the lights and air conditioning when they are not in the room and ask them not to waste water.


Through our practices, we support the Costa Rica action plan for the prevention of sex tourism and the exploitation of children and adolescents in the travel and tourism industry.


Our Commitment

At Arenal Volcano Inn we are committed to guarantee socially and environmentally responsible management.
From the beginning, based on those values and fundamental principles that guide the conduct of our organization, we have carried out a management with full awareness of the importance of conserving the natural resources of the region where we operate. We promote the development of the community of which we are a part. But in addition, we encourage the growth of those who make up the company and ensure management in accordance with the values and principles we proclaim through constant training and a code of ethics.

Our mission

Hosting local and foreign tourists in a warm and friendly atmosphere based in a comprehensive and personalized approach and an efficient and ethic team work that focuses on the organization, the client, nature and local customs.
We commit to continuously apply correct practices for a sustainable hotel management based on the following objectives:

  • Making everybody in the organization aware of sustainable practices and making them part of the hotel sustainable plan development.
  • Giving excellent customer service and promoting their participation in the hotel efforts to preserve natural resources.
  • Implementing the actions described in the hotel sustainability plan regarding water and energy saving measurements in order to reduce pollution.
  • Cooperate preserving our national identity working out well with local and responsible suppliers, encouraging customs preservation and boosting the good values that characterize Costa Rican culture.
  • Creating a safe working environment for all the hotel employees.
  • Improving competitiveness and our corporate image by protecting the environment and applying the water and energy saving measurements.
  • Communicating our sustainability policies to our business partners.

Our vision

Being recognized in our country as a client-oriented hotel with excellent customer service, very efficient staff, the comfort of its facilities, and its commitment to sustainable tourism. Maintaining a very close and fair business relation with local and international agencies. Standing out for the innovative development of our business and environmental practices in order to satisfy all the agents involved in our operations.

Rotulos habitaciones

Our values

  • Respect: We support each other by making our understanding of and acceptance of their ways of being and thinking prevail in our treatment of others.
  • Customer satisfaction: We work to exceed the expectations of our customers.
  • Collaboration: Our team spirit leads us to carry out our work, providing support to those who require it from the company, clients or visitors.
  • Change: We are a team that adapts to the demands of the market always seeking the satisfaction of our customers.
  • Commitment to the environment: Our organizational philosophy has instilled in our employees the commitment to defend the environment and the community as an inherent part of our reason for being as a company.

Commitment in the organization

As a responsible company, we have acquired the commitment to protect, conserve and improve the environment. This commitment involves all employees in an environmental management system that, based on an exclusive training and the possibility of sharing, we have managed to stimulate from the very base of awareness. Therefore, the management, middle managers and all employees assume responsibility for the daily implementation of the environmental management system.

Compliance and ethics

Our commitment to the environment extends beyond legislative compliance. The integration of environmental practices in all daily activities is promoted, seeking to operate in a responsible manner and in accordance with the environmental standards that Arenal Volcano Inn has set within the company as self-imposed.

Minimization of impacts and maximization of opportunities

We have conducted research that allows us to discover the most appropriate ways to achieve these objectives, to which is added the application of new technologies, so that the environmental impacts of the activities and services provided by Arenal Volcano Inn are minimized. We pay special attention to minimize impacts, making and informing our guests and standardizing our internal procedures through the application of responsible practices of prevention and control of them. We encourage our visitors to be part of this important effort.

Information to interested parties

We have established the mechanisms for the realization of an effective communication of its regulation and environmental control systems with our collaborators, consumers, administrations, and other interested parties, including among these mechanisms the creation of an Environmental Committee in charge of evaluating, analyzing and ensuring compliance with the regulation.

Rotulos habitaciones

How to help preserve the environment?

With your visits to sites of interest in La Fortuna and its surroundings you not only have the ability to admire the natural wealth of Costa Rica but also contribute to the development of the area and contribute to the protection of the environment and the conservation of our cultural heritage.

  • Arenal volcano national park: The impressiveness of the Arenal volcano is undeniable and this is the first thing we think about when visiting La Fortuna de San Carlos, where this natural wonder is located. Whoever visits this protected area should not miss, in addition, the lava flows that fell in 1992, the impressive ceiba tree with more than 400 years old and the trails along an extensive and authentic rainforest, where you can appreciate the wildlife and the resources that the Park protects. In addition, each visit contributes directly to the conservation of natural resources, since 100% of the entrance goes to the National Parks Fund, which is used in solidarity to finance all the protected areas of the country.
  • Ecological Reserve Rio La Fortuna Waterfall: It is a natural space managed in a sustainable manner by the Association of Integral Development of La Fortuna (ADIFORT), a non-profit organization founded since August 31, 1969, whose main objective is ensure the welfare and growth of the community of La Fortuna through the execution of works on education, road infrastructure, environment, promotion of sports and culture, beautification of the community and strengthening of public safety; projects that are possible to execute thanks to the funds collected with the visit of each tourist to this natural space.
  • La Guaria School: We support this single-teacher school which has 38 preschool and elementary students. An opportunity to contribute to our community and positively impact their educational process.

Native Plants in Arenal Volcano Inn